Friday, October 15, 2010


YUP it's true... Oct. 14,2010 S proposed to me :). I couldn't be happier!!! I'm so excited to become my best friend's wife and to live happily ever after with him. He is truly an amazing man of God, and I couldn't ask for a better man for me. I'm so excited I barely got sleep last night. So I'm off to bed.. but I had to put it on my blog, IM SO EXCITED!!!

We're hoping for May 21,2011... So I have like 218 days to go! :S

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hats :)

So i've been making hats.. and i LOVE it :) :)... its soo mcuh fun to do!! S's neighbor F taught me how, and she is such a great teacher.. here's 2 of the ones I've so far made, im currently working on one for S now :). Hope he likes it!!!