Hi whoever might read this still.. i know its been FOREVER since I've written. Try blogging,planning a wedding,working,and figuring out how to live life all at the same time. It's hard, it's almost impossible!
Well since I've been engaged wedding planning has been in full swing and now we are 3 short months away from being married! EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!! :D :D :D
I still can't believe I'm going from Roberts to Smothermon so soon!!
cant wait.. cannnottt wait!
This week i've been in a funk though, and I'm not sure if freezing cold Aalska has gotten to me, or if wedding planning is becoming stressfull to the max, or what.. but I'm so blessed to have an amazing man in my life my amazing fiance' takes such good care of me!! He makes me laugh so much.. today we played a game over text.. i love your hairy toes, i love your stinky feet...these moments remind me of why im marrying such an amazing man.
78 days and counting folks!!