Thursday, June 14, 2012

Briella’s Birth Story

So I had been having contractions on and off for about a week, but they had not been painful just uncomfortable. I woke up on Tuesday the 5th with pretty painful cramps and thought to myself here we go again, not thinking I would actually be delivering a baby later that day. I had a dr. appointment scheduled for 9 am and when she checked me I was 2cm dialated and 80% effaced, and she said she knew I wouldn’t make it to my next week appointment. She asked if I wanted my membranes stripped and I said yes let’s go ahead and do that. I really wanted Briella to come before Aunt Kymie had to leave! So she did, and we left the appointment and headed home. By the time we got home from the appointment I had contractions coming every 3 to 4 minutes for about 30-45 seconds apart. I bounced on my ball, took a shower, and paced through them. I had to go to the bathroom a lot, like every 3 minutes and one time I went it felt like a gush came out, but I wasn’t sure, but we thought well maybe that was my water breaking. So, we called the nurse at the hospital and she said it sounded like maybe the real thing and to go ahead and come in. When we got there I was 3 cm dialated and we found out my water had broken so around 1:30pm they admitted me. Once admitted I was having contractions every minute. I was not getting any relief from them at all, and they were becoming stronger. So, they started me on fentinol just to take the edge off of them and it slowed them down just enough so I could breathe. I was very naseous and ended puking all over poor scotts hand, so they told me no more water just ice from then on out. So around 3 or so I was 4-5 cm and at 4 I was 5, so to help the pain I got in the shower for about an hour and that felt SO good! I progressed to 7cm after the shower and around 7 I was 9cm and almost ready to push. They kept giving me a few little doses of fentinol but that was the only drugs I had. I was finally ready to start pushing at 8:30 ish, and I was so glad! It felt so good to push! With every push I thought maybe that was it, but it took two hours for her to finally make her appearance. At 9:42pm she finally made her way into the world. I did end up getting second degree tear, and that’s making recovery oh so fun, but It was worth it for my princess. Looking back I can’t believe how fast it went. I really think all the walking and stuff I did before helped her be ready to come fast into the world. I couldn’t have done it without Scott though. He was the most amazing coach and husband through the whole thing. I focused only on him and everytime he said deep breathe or anything at all I listened to only him. I could not have had a better coach by my side.

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