Monday, June 28, 2010

You've been framed!

I love LOVE pictures, I take them ALL the time, and someday me and S's house is going to have quite the pictures in it. I love looking for frames, unique ones that have their own personality. Check out these
corner frames! How cool is that? I think it would look awesome in a bathroom. I think this one would look awesome down a beamed wall, where there might not be a whole lot of room to do much else on, and how they have patterns in the frames, that's pretty cool too.

This one is probably my favorite. I love the whole string pictures together idea, and I think it would be so cool to have a photo shoot for just these grouped frames together.

I cant wait to have a house to decorate with these!!

Blessing 177-Hangout time with Jenna

Blessing 178-For awesome worship, and catching up

Blessing 179-For living,and loving.

1 comment:

Seven said...

I love the corner ones! How cool