Thursday, September 30, 2010

24's a good number :)

My list of what I would like to accomplish as a 24 year old..

*Shrink an inch

*Lose 20 pounds

*Move out of my dad's place

*Pay off ALL debt

*Get E'ed

*Get my MRS degree ;)

*GO TO FREAKING HAWAII ( this one I WILL accomplish)

*Plan the best fajita!

*Have my foot size shrink a few inches

*Do something drastic to my hair

*Go to Fairbanks

*Eat at Double Musky

*Go to Indiana(happening in ONE month )

*Have the best 1st Christmas with Scott :)

*See my best friend miss seven sleeps herself again :)

*Go on a steakmoon(NDA i figure you make steak fajitas so a steakmoon is what happens with fajitas right?!?)

*Cook more and more

*make lots of hats!!!

1 comment:

Seven said...

Hahahahah steak moon. Honestly, I eat veggie ones but steak works! I love it!