Friday, October 15, 2010
YUP it's true... Oct. 14,2010 S proposed to me :). I couldn't be happier!!! I'm so excited to become my best friend's wife and to live happily ever after with him. He is truly an amazing man of God, and I couldn't ask for a better man for me. I'm so excited I barely got sleep last night. So I'm off to bed.. but I had to put it on my blog, IM SO EXCITED!!!
We're hoping for May 21,2011... So I have like 218 days to go! :S
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hats :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
24's a good number :)
*Shrink an inch
*Lose 20 pounds
*Move out of my dad's place
*Pay off ALL debt
*Get E'ed
*Get my MRS degree ;)
*GO TO FREAKING HAWAII ( this one I WILL accomplish)
*Plan the best fajita!
*Have my foot size shrink a few inches
*Do something drastic to my hair
*Go to Fairbanks
*Eat at Double Musky
*Go to Indiana(happening in ONE month )
*Have the best 1st Christmas with Scott :)
*See my best friend miss seven sleeps herself again :)
*Go on a steakmoon(NDA i figure you make steak fajitas so a steakmoon is what happens with fajitas right?!?)
*Cook more and more
*make lots of hats!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Almost 24
Last year at this time I was confused, and heartbroken and totally not even close to walking with God. I was depressed, and poor and frustrated with life. I had two roomates, one that I got along with really well and that was the extent of my fun. However, I wasn't happy there's definetley a big difference between having fun and being happy. I made a lot of sinful mistakes last fall, and I'm just so blessed and thankful that God is a forgiving God. When I look back now, I realize that if I hadn't gone through that I may have not been so anxious to reconsile to God and get my life back. I know that what I went through last fall wasn't what God wanted for me, and looking back not what I wanted for myself, but it's what caused me to break completley to bring me back to the throne of God and His grace. :) SO cool He is! I ended up hurting my roomates and breaking a lease that they weren't happy about, and losing a good friendship, but Jan. I got re baptised, turned my life over to God, and not even two weeks later met the love of my life S! It's amazing what God can do when you turn your heart back to Him. These past 7 months have been the craziest, and best months of my life. We have our frustrations, like when the ice cream in the freezer melts and I think it should be thrown away, but S wants to try and re freeze it :). Or when noodles fall in the sink and I refuse to eat them :) haha. But seriously, I have grown SO SO much and S and I have grown so much together, and we couldn't have done it without the grace of our Lord. As I look back to last year, and how much I was hurting, but struggled to hold on to that hurt because it was comfortable, I see now that when I let go and let God, all things are possible. I challenge whoever reads these- if your comfortable in a situation, but you know it's not right, then be bold step out of that comfort zone and make a choice to let go and let God. I promise you'll end up better in the end. He can do great things.
In the next few days I'll write my list of what I want to do in my 24th year. :) it's good so stay tuned!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Apartment :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I'm still alive :)
I promise I won't neglect you so much blogspot anymore. Afterall it is September my favorite month, things are BOUND to happen to write about :).
Thursday, August 12, 2010
~Why is it that I feel so useless lately? Not like useles at my job, not useless as a person I can still do things, but lately I've felt useless as a Christian, like I should be doing more. Going to a bible study, teaching children's church, something to feel more use full :). I go to church(which I love my new church by the way) and I usually get something out of the sermon's and or worship and S and I read every night a chapter(we are reading through the Bible in a year), but I'm just feeling like there's got to be more I can be doing. Exspecially after this past weekened helping out at kids camp, I have forgotten how much i LOVE working with kids, and miss it. TERRIBLY! I miss seeing the kids faces glow, and light up, and grow and search for answers. I miss being a part of a study where I get to discuss and grow myself. S and I are reading through the 5 love languages, and that's been really good and I have learned a lot through that. Hopefully,maybe I can continue that growth somehow, someway.
~Also, why do I feel so happy lately? Yeah I might be feelign useless, but I'm loving everything in my life. Okay, so the question isn't why am I so happy I know the answer to that one, it's obvious that God has extremely blessed me this year and exspecially the past 6 months ;) <3, but why did God decide to bless me? Why me? Last year I was No where near where I should have been following Christ, I was lost lost lost. Still figuring out exactly what I thought I wanted in life and taking an extremley wrong path. I know God has compassion on His children and loves us no matter what, and I'm not sayign I'm not thankful, I just wonder why me? I'm so glad He did and has put a whole new direction and love and spirit in me to be back to the path I was on 5 years ago and then help the growth. I feel as if I have grown so so much in the past 8 months and am so happy and joyful and blessed!
Just a couple of ponderings ;)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Even cleaning the bathrooms was fun! haha
oh and watching S get pelted with green chalk balls was highly entertaining as well. :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
One Heck of a week
So I have been exhausted going home every night, S and I are watching this which has been freaking hilarious and kept me fairly upbeat, but I'm just plain freaking tired.
I need a nap what about in this beayootiful home. Yes? I think so.
Off I am for the weekend (well tomorrow after ANOTHER LONG DAY OF WORK) to this place.
Talk about an exhausting sounding weekend after a long week. Me and S are helping out with a camp for kids through our church. S is a counselor and I'm a helper, hopfully I'll have strength and a good attitude. Both, I'm currently struggling with.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Exciting News to Share....
But that's not anythign crazy exciting compared to this. My very bestest friend whose blog you can find here.. is coming to ALASKA!!!!! :D :D :D It's been a year and 6 months since I will have seen her and def. VERY DEF. overdue BFF time :) Im soooo excited to see her!!! We have been friends since 8th grade but best friends since our freshman/sophmore year. We have had so many crazy times together, and we always make the best memories together..
Can't wait to see you NDA!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Loverly Monday
Here's my random links of the day...
If ONLY I could wear this and look stunning in it... LOVE it and the color!
mmmm love me some popcorn! I was really bummed I missed out on this at Bear Paw.
So I finished it and I think it turned out so cute do you think I shoudl go into a diaper cake buisness? Can't wait to see what everyone at the baby luncheon thinks!
what do you think??
I've been hunting for a new carry-on bag..
here's some cute ones I've found on my new favorite site
*how modern and cute is this one?
*Love it!
*This one is just so different, and I love it!
*This one is just darling too!
Why are there no good stores in Alaska? :(
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Read,White,and Bleu
How cute is this?? Any diaper cake makers out there? Any suggestions??
Blessing 187-For new pillows :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My mind is blogged...
Monday, June 28, 2010
You've been framed!
This one is probably my favorite. I love the whole string pictures together idea, and I think it would be so cool to have a photo shoot for just these grouped frames together.
I cant wait to have a house to decorate with these!!
Blessing 177-Hangout time with Jenna
Blessing 178-For awesome worship, and catching up
Blessing 179-For living,and loving.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Things that make me laugh
Dancing in the rain always makes me laugh, and it's something I always try to do when we have a hard rain.. In fact not too many weeks ago (Memorial Day Weekend) We had a hard rain for a few minutes and S and I def. got soaked. I wasn't exactly dancing, but I was definetly laughing. :)
Do you ever see license plates, and take forever to decifer them? Well, I love trying to figure out license plates, and S and I often discuss back and forth what eachother's decifer is. This normally has me laughing by the end of it. There's one I found that says blonde and it's upside down :) hehe, that to me is awesome.
I love a good corney joke too, do you ever hear a joke and it's so corney you just have to laugh? My dad and I normally email eachother back and forth corney jokes (or text them). last night I got a text from you guessed who and it said what's a librarian's favorite kind of dog? A LAB! hahahahaha. Oh come on, you had to at least smile!
But my most favorite thing that I laugh at is tickling. I pretend to hate it when S tickles me, but I honestly LOVE it :). Who doesn't love to be tickled by their love?
Laughter really is the best medicine :).
Blessing 176- For laughter. :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Bookworm Love
It's a good book, full of romance and disasters and HAWAII. Someday me and S will get there!
I found this picture..
This is a hut made entirely of donated books. How cool is that? I want one in my house someday. Acutally for reals, I do want my own personal library with the cool looking library shelves like this would be breathtakingly gorgeous. Check out that bay window nook to read on! I love it.What is your favorite read? I always need new suggestions. I'm totally a fiction girl, and I prefer Christian Fiction, however I do love Nicholas Sparks, and the Twilight series.
Blessing 175~ For a fun date night with S, and for dried mango YUM!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I love looking at photography, any photography at all. I love seeing how photographers put things into perspective. My favorite is def. when people are phtographed. I love scenic pictures, but there's somethign about trying to figure out a persons emotions, and thoughts in a picture that I just love. I love Kristen Taylor's stuff, check out the second blog from the top. The 6th picture down under nicole and andy are married. Check out N's face, I bet I know what she's thinking. :)this one by Tara Whitney is too cute. I love the kids faces!!
I am currently eating one of my favorite healthy snacks. I'm not really a fan of mangoes when they are fresh, but dry them and YUM! Now doesn't that look good?
Blessing 174! That Me and S have ntohing planned for tonight!
I think we might do some of this and we are def. pushing ourselves to do this.
What do you have planned for tonight?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Everbody's Doing it!
Blessing 173~For at least one sunny day, and for hugs mochas!